Sag compensated contact pin

Construction Design & Examples


Typically struts and leaf springs demonstrate a parasitic sag-movement when moving sideways.

In some cases this parasitic motion is unwanted. Then a rigid tip can be implemented on the elastic element. By designing the proper tip radius, the parasitic motion can be perfectly compensated resulting in a straight-line guided motion.


The kinematic behavior is described by the following formulas for small values of $u$, $\phi$


$\Delta z_{tip}=-\frac{2}{15}\cdot\frac{2L_f^3+20L_r^2L_f+10L_rL_f^2+15L_r^3}{\left(2L_r+L_f\right)^2}\cdot\phi^2$




$\Delta z_{eff}=\left[\frac{R_{tip}}{2}-\frac{2}{15}\cdot\frac{2L_f^3+20L_r^2L_f+10L_rL_f^2+15L_r^3}{\left(2L_r+L_f\right)^2}\right]\cdot\phi^2$

Special case 1: $L_r=0$ (cantilevered leaf spring / strut)

$L_p=\frac{2}{3}\cdot L_f$

$\left\{ \begin{matrix} \Delta z_{tip}=-\frac{4}{15}L_f \cdot\phi ^2 \\u_{tip}=\frac {2}{3}L_f \cdot\phi\\ \end{matrix} \right\} \Delta z_{tip}=-\frac{3}{5}\frac{u_{tip}^2}{L_f}$

Special case 2: $∆z_{eff}=0$


Sag compensated contact pin
Kinematic behavior

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